It was a real privilege to have been invited to Kiwi Foo 09, and it certainly didn't disappoint. The uniqueness largely stems from the courageous forward thinking attitude of the organisers to give the attendees almost no guidance at all as to what the format is, and the content to cover. The net result is informed conversation across the spectrum of problems and opportunities facing New Zealand, and an environment with huge cross-pollination potential for ideas, and creativity.

So - what did I learn?

I spoke to the man who is developing the fastest car in the world
I learnt about solar powering my house
Where the Geek Community thinks we are headed in the current climate
Network Theory
Perl 5.10, and Perl 6
Section 92A
Software in Education
OpenSource advocacy, and how to go main stream
Programming the G1
Irish folk music
and many more things that escape me right now.

Many thanks to the organisers (Nat, Jenine, and Russell), and also to all the other people who attended and helped out, to make it a truly excellent event.

Posted by PiersHarding at February 16, 2009 6:44 PM