SAP::Rfc for Ruby version 0.15 has a large number of changes. These include:

  • Caching of interface, and structure discovery - whenever a call to SAP::Rfc#discover is made, a series of RFC calls are performed to look up what the definition of the interface is (same applies for SAP::Rfc#structure). This can be a performance hit for a complex RFC interface, or situations where an RFC enabled script is fired frequently. invoke SAP::Rfc.useCache = true to activate caching - see documentation for further details.
  • Inorder to tidy up accessors for parameters, and structure components, some changes have been made. The new syntax for setting parameter values is iface.PARM_NAME = value instead of iface.PARM_NAME.value = new_value. The same applies to structure components where: str.FIELD_NAME = new_value as opposed to str.FIELD_NAME.value = new_value.

The new version can be found at: saprfc-0.15.tar.gz

Posted by PiersHarding at April 12, 2006 8:25 AM